Proposed Reforms for the Zambian Fertilizer Support Programme (FSP)
(27 February 2009)
Objectives and Assessment Procedures: Given government and stakeholder
concerns about achieving greater effectiveness from GRZ budget allocations to the fertilizer
support programme, a representative study team of major agricultural industry players and
stakeholders was established by the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperative (MACO)
following a Cabinet directive to review the FSP implementation thus far, and to proceed with
a view to coming up with recommendations for improved FSP future implementation,
effectiveness and efficiency. Results of this review exercise are summarized in this advisory
The study team collected and reviewed numerous assessments of Zambia’s experience with
FSP, and as well as studies of similar programmes in neighboring countries. The study team
organized and conducted careful case review visits to three countries (Kenya, Tanzania and
Malawi) and likewise sought-out input from key Zambian stakeholder assessments and
relevant on-going agricultural input and productivity enhancement projects.
A draft study tour and review report was developed by the study team, and was subjected to
review and debate by stakeholder in two specific review sessions (See Annex 1 for lists of
participants in these review sessions.) The full Study Tour Report with detailed
recommendations is attached in Annex 2, and contains schedules of all interviews
conducted in each country (Study Tour Report Annexes 1 to 3).